Dallas: Day 1
We made it to Dallas with no problems at all. Aiden was SUCH a good lil' guy on the planes. He slept the entire 2.5 hours from Louisville to Houston (my arm and hand were completely numb but if you think I would move and risk waking him up, you're crazy!) Had just enough time in Houston to grab some lunch, feed Aiden and change his diaper before boarding for the 40 minute flight to Dallas.
Once we arrived, we were met by our friend April with her two sweet little kiddos John and Rory Cate. They are so graciously allowing us to borrow their Toyota Prius while we are in town. She says it is no big deal and they are happy to help - but IT IS A BIG DEAL TO US! We are so fortunate to have met such nice people here in town. Not to mention that she stocked it with all kinds of goodies to munch on (chips and salsa, bananas, trail mix, strawberries...can you say yum?!?), stuff to help pass the time (a magazine, soda, a 6-pack of beer ;), and things for Aiden to borrow (pack-n-play, toys, books)! What an amazing thing to be greeted with away from home. Makes it all a little easier to have friends like these. I just hope that we can keep our dinner plans for Wednesday as John's been a little under the weather. Hope you feel better soon John!
Finally, day 1 in Dallas wrapped up with a quick bite to eat and registration for Aiden's sleep study at Medical City. Ricky stayed with him during the last one in November, so we took turns and I stayed with him this time. He was SOOO good as all of the sticky electrodes and wires were connected to his chest and head. Probably due to the fact that the day of traveling wore him out. He fell right to sleep, but ended up fighting the nasal tubes the entire night which required many visits from the sleep technician to replace them (and no visit from the sleep fairy for me...) They got the required data though and we should be getting the results sometime this afternoon. Keeping our fingers crossed that the removal of his tonsils and adenoids in November has helped or, better yet, eliminated his sleep apnea.
Once we arrived, we were met by our friend April with her two sweet little kiddos John and Rory Cate. They are so graciously allowing us to borrow their Toyota Prius while we are in town. She says it is no big deal and they are happy to help - but IT IS A BIG DEAL TO US! We are so fortunate to have met such nice people here in town. Not to mention that she stocked it with all kinds of goodies to munch on (chips and salsa, bananas, trail mix, strawberries...can you say yum?!?), stuff to help pass the time (a magazine, soda, a 6-pack of beer ;), and things for Aiden to borrow (pack-n-play, toys, books)! What an amazing thing to be greeted with away from home. Makes it all a little easier to have friends like these. I just hope that we can keep our dinner plans for Wednesday as John's been a little under the weather. Hope you feel better soon John!
After the airport, we headed to check-in to the hotel. We decided to stay a little closer to the hospital this time, which meant foregoing the Ronald McDonald House for a room at a nearby hotel.
We unloaded our stuff into the room and met up with a family that although we had never met in person, I feel like I already knew from keeping up with their blog about their son Jack, who also has Apert Syndrome. They were in town early this week for some appointments with Dr. Fearon, the same doctor that treats Aiden, and happened to be staying at the same hotel. It was so nice to finally meet them! Jack is so full of energy and despite many of the issues he faces, seems as happy as can be. Not to mention that his hands looked amazing - giving us hope that Aiden's will look just as good when this surgery is said and done. Thanks for taking the time to meet up with us Smith family!
I'll be updating as often as I can throughout the trip. Today (Wednesday) we have some pre-op appointments to be finished up around 3pm (Central time). Tomorrow we have to be at the hospital at 6am for surgery. Thanks for thinking of us!
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