Body after Baby: Week 5

Yes, I realize I'm going in the wrong direction.
Here are my excuses explanations:
1. Last week, my Awesome cousin Angie came to visit. This was awesome on so many levels. Weight-loss not being one of them. So, I'll admit, I kinda let loose a bit. After all, we had to make sure she enjoyed her trip to Austin and that of course includes dining at fine establishments like Round Rock Donuts, Chuy's, Hula Hut, etc. Can you eat healthy at those places? Um, not really.
2. It was my birthday last Friday. I turned 31 - a number that I don't really like because I have a weird thing about odd numbers. 30 is so much prettier than 31. Heck, I'll even be excited when 32 comes around so I promise it really isn't about getting older. Anywho...birthdays = yellow cake with chocolate icing, my fave. And my amazing husband decided to
3. Finally, we were finally able to use the gift I bought for Ricky for Father's Day. Back in June I bought a voucher from one of those deal sites for a 2-hour boat trip on Lake Austin. I thought it would be the perfect way for our family of 4 to celebrate what an awesome dad he is. Not sure how many 6 month pregnant women decide to go ride a boat for 2 hours but I was sure it was a good idea at the time. Then I went on bed-rest. Um DUH. I should have known that was gonna happen. Needless to say we had to cancel our reservation and wait until after baby.
So...I re-booked for when Angie was gonna be here and it just so happened to fall on my birthday. Great way to celebrate, right? WAS great and we had a BLAST. That is until 3 days later when something didn't feel right and I ended up dragging Angie with me to the ER on her last day to find out that I had broken a rib. How you ask? Oh, you know, when my husband decided it would be AWESOME to ask the boat guy to toss Angie and I off the tube that he was pulling us on. We went flying, flipped through the air and got the wind knocked out of us. And I broke a rib.
There went all motivation and ability to work out (not that I had it to begin with, although we did go to Zumba class together while she was in town!)
Clearly my cousin Angie and my lovely husband are to blame for my weight gain this week.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
{ Week 5 } 172.6
Week 4: 171.6
TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS = (a disappointing) 2.0 lbs.
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