Dallas: Day 2

It was actually a very pleasant day - we breezed through our pre-op appointments and Aiden was once again such a little trooper. Got some GREAT news from Dr. Fearon regarding Aiden's sleep study...results came back very positive - no sleep apnea issues! His saturation levels dropped just one time throughout the night (compared to 20+ during the previous study) and Dr. Fearon (pictured with Aiden at right) said there is nothing that concerns him at all. So no more sleep studies for at least one year, no breathing issues requiring oxygen or a BiPap machine at night, and one less thing to worry about for the Skees family! YAY!

After we were finished with with the appointments, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and upon April's recommendation, headed to a gorgeous lake which seemed to be smack dab in the middle of suburbia. When she told us about it, we were thinking it was going to be a small little lake that we could circle a few times and head home.

Well, it turned out to be a lot bigger than we imagined! Aiden had a nice nap as I pushed him in the stroller and Ricky squeezed in a little exercise with a short run. We then took some pictures and let Aiden soak in the awesome weather before he undergoes his surgery, is casted, and returned to the unpleasant coldness that is Southern Indiana. Sorry, little guy.
April's son John is still fighting off an ear infection so we weren't able to meet up with the Gorman's for dinner this go-round, but we're making plans for a rain check during our next trip in May. Instead, on our way back in the hotel I noticed a flyer for a "Family Game Night"

inviting those staying at the hotel to participate in various board games for great prizes.
Scattergories was one of the choices. Thanks to our friends Kristin and Chris and our love of a little friendly competition with a "game night" every now and then, we were all about trying our luck. We joked that we would probably be the only ones to show up...and...we were! So after a few rounds, they declared us the winners and our prize was a free 2-night stay at the hotel. This works out great considering we will be coming back in May for Aiden's next surgery!
And now, we are back in the room. We put Aiden to bed and are going to relax ourselves. We have to be at the hospital bright and early tomorrow. So goodnight! I'll update as soon as I can!
So glad to hear things are going well so far (and that you are getting to enjoy the weather...it snowed last night in No Ky!) We are keeping you in our thoughts today.