14 September 2012

Body after Baby: Week 3

I had an awesome trip back to Kentucky last weekend for a family wedding - one that included lots of yummy (and not so healthy) food. I tried my best to keep my portions small and not indulge too much but...that's no fun! I even abandoned keeping track on My Fitness Pal for the 5 days I was gone.

I was pretty sure I had probably put on a pound or two but much to my surprise I'm actually DOWN another 1.6 pounds! Woohoo!

That is just the motivation I needed to get back in to a routine of tracking my food and eating healthy again.

My "will power challenge" for week 3: No biscuits or cookies. Kind of random I know. I think I slipped up a time or two with some of those 100 calorie cookie packs that my mom stuck in my bag for a mid-flight snack. Woopsy.

Week 4 "will power challenge": No cake, donuts or muffins.

Hmmm - guess I should have checked on that before I made mini blueberry MUFFINS this morning for the boys. I'll pretend that didn't count and start now. :)

Now for pictures. It could just be me, but I think there is a small difference. That is promising after just 4 pounds. Can't wait to see what I'll look like after 30 more!

PS - If you start following me on My Fitness Pal, you'll notice that it says I've lost a total of 11 lbs. That's from the time I started tracking my food back at the beginning of August, about 2 weeks postpartum. From the day I delivered (while still pregnant) I've lost a total of 26 pounds!

Week 3 } 170.6
Week 2: 172.2
Week 1: 173.5
Starting Point: 174.6


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  1. Looking good, Mama! Congratulations on the weight loss!

  2. Awesome! Looking good after giving birth. Keep it up!
