03 April 2008

More great news!

Hey everyone - Here is an update you on how things are going (with Aiden, with Ethan, with surviving life with 2 kids...). Mom was here through Easter and I was certainly sad to see her go, but considering she hadn't slept a night in her own bed since January 31, I'm sure she was ready to get home. We went up to NKY for Easter and had brunch at the Hilton. The next morning, my mom, me, Lauren, Ethan (1), Lilly (2), Avery (11 weeks) amd Aiden (7 weeks) all drove up IN ONE CAR to Chicago to visit family. The kids were actually very good - and if it wasn't for the 2 hour complete stand still on 65 N because of an accident that closed the highway, it would have been a suprisingly uneventful trip.

While in Chicago, I managed to get an appt. at RUSH University's Craniofacial Center to discuss possible treatment there for Aiden. After being kind of disappointed in the doctors we've met with locally, I was very pleased with the doctor there and Ricky and I will be going back for a meeting with the entire "team" of doctors that would treat Aiden.

We will also be heading to the Craniofacial Centre in Dallas, TX to meet with another "top" team of doctors. We are looking forward to getting all of Aiden's surgeries scheduled (or at least a timeline set) so we can just enjoy him as a baby, instead of hopping from appt. to appt.

We're continuing to get great news along the way - Opthamologist said his optic nerve is normal and looks great (some kids with Aperts have shortened optic nerves which cause vision problems) and we've begun Physical Therapy once a week and Development Therapy once a week. We are bound and determined to give him every opportunity to develop normally. He's doing great and gaining weight - 8 lbs. 5 oz. at the last appt.

As for Ethan, he's walking now! He went from toddling along furniture to almost a full fledged run in a matter of days. He has definitely warmed up to his brother even more and gets concerned when he hears him crying (he'll point and say "AWWWW"). And he's currently adding 6 teeth to the 4 he already had (but handling it very well).

Ricky and I are tired (obviously) and are counting down the days to when Aiden starts sleeping through the night. We also can't wait for the nice weather so we can get both boys outside. I'm officially a SAHM (stay at home mom) now as I take on my full-time job taking care of the boys. Today was my first full day home with them (no doctors appts, errands to run, etc.) and I must say, I think I'm going to actually miss getting out of the house 5 days a week!

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