11 April 2008

Choosing a team

We are still in the process of choosing the team that will treat Aiden and perform all or most of his surgeries. As I mentioned before, I visited with Dr. Figueroa at RUSH Medical Center in Chicago a few weeks ago and Ricky and I will be heading back up there to meet with Dr. Polley and his entire team (7 or 8 different doctors) to discuss their treatment plan for Aiden in more detail. We leave Wednesday, April 16 for our appt. on Thursday the 17th. We hope to get all of our questions answered and are keeping our fingers crossed that they might be the team we choose as it would be very convenient with family right around the corner.

We are also going to The Craniofacial Center in Dallas, TX on May 15 to meet with Dr. Jeffrey Fearon. Like Dr. Polley, Dr. Fearon is a specialist in craniofacial anomolies and syndromes. They both have extensive experience with children with Apert Syndrome and are pioneers in some of the treatment options currently available (to read article about Dr. Polley and Dr. Figueroa, click here).

At home, we have begun weekly sessions for both physical therapy and developmental therapy. The physical therapist will work on getting Aiden to improve his range of motion in his shoulders (kids with Aperts often have issues with their joints and muscle movement particular in the shoulders). She will also work on his head control, rolling over, mirror play, batting at objects, and all of the other things babies his age are supposed to be doing. He is doing great - and meeting every milestone so far - it's more of a proactive thing to ensure he continues to do so. The developmental therapist will work on gross motor skills, cognitive abilities, etc.

Aiden is doing really well. He's almost 9 weeks old and is growing overnight! He is around 9 lbs. now!

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