03 August 2013

Everything's Changing

Well, it's official! I just completed the "change of address" form with the Postal Service. My time in Texas is over and I'm settling in at my parent's house in Kentucky. This is definitely going to be a year of transition. Ricky is still in Texas until at least Labor Day, but we are hopeful our house will sell SOON and he can get it all wrapped up before then.

My dad flew down to Texas last week and will be driving one of our vehicle's back to KY - loaded with all the "stuff" we will need at my parent's house this year. Consolidating an entire house into one car load has been an eye opener for sure. It has made me wonder if I can live without SO MUCH stuff for a year, is it really necessary at all?

So to sum up the changes our family will be up against this year...
- a major move from Texas to Kentucky
- moving in with my parents
- living apart from my husband
- kids starting at a new school
- attempting to build a house in Louisville

And oh yeah...if you follow More Skees Please on Facebook, you have seen the news...

Yep - that's right - we are expecting baby #4!!! 

(For the record: Yes, we were "trying". No, we didn't think it was going to happen because of the difficulty we had last time. So yes, we were surprised. No, we weren't "trying for a girl". Yes, of course we will be thrilled if it is a girl. No, we absolutely won't be "upset" if it's "another" boy.)

Just wanted to get all that out of the way upfront. I'll post about "the pregnancy" in more detail later. :)

In the meantime - please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate these major life changes. It's a lot to take on all at once! Thankfully, I am blessed with a large support network who will help things go as smoothly as possible. 


  1. Congratulations on your upcoming baby! How exciting!

  2. Congratulations!! And, good luck with the move and all the craziness that comes with that!

  3. I can't believe I didn't see this, Taryn. :) (I decided it would be prudent to go back and get caught up on your blog lol.) The inbox has been overflowing for a while heheh. Sorry but SO HAPPY for you, as well as keeping your whole family in my prayers. How awful to have to be both in the hospital but also without your bestest friend beside you. I know because Doug and I went through a similar circumstance when I moved back to Utah first and he stayed in Phoenix to pack up, etc... I don't think I would have made it through all that, preggers. Which means, kudos to you Mrs Skees. ;) xo!! So adorable!!!
