26 January 2012

11 weeks...give or take a day or two

It was storming on Tuesday which was technically when I reached 11 weeks so we took this one tonight (we forgot yesterday). Notice I decided to cut my head out of the photo this time. I like the focus on my belly and the boys, and I thought there was too much fence in the previous shot. The tighter shot also makes the sign a bit easier to read.

11 Weeks
Feeling: much better
Craving: chips with Chuy's jalapeno ranch
Got my appetite back! THIRSTY

This week my appetite came back with a vengeance. I had my first turn-the-car-around gotta-get-it-now craving and that was for Chuy's chips and jalapeno ranch dip. I am a bit ashamed to admit that I couldn't even make it home to indulge - I actually pulled the car over half-way back and dug in while sitting in a parking lot. Geez!

While I should be really excited about the lack of extreme nausea that has plagued me over the past few weeks, instead it's causing some anxiety. Why don't I feel pregnant anymore? Could something be wrong? I know that it's perfectly normal for "symptoms" to come and go to various degrees, especially when the physical changes are not yet significant, but I will say that I'm really looking forward to Monday's appointment when we get to see baby once again and calm some of my fears.

One day at a time.


  1. Awww, Taryn, I am loving these update photos! So precious of you all, and the sign is such a great idea. Artistic and great penmanship... Do your talents never end? :) I totally understand that feeling when suddenly all your symptoms seem to go away and you're left wondering... It's so easy to worry, especially when we've had things go wrong for us before. Hang in there and remember lots of people like me have you in our prayers! Kiss those precious boys for me! ;)

  2. Thanks so much Eden! I appreciate you keeping me your prayers :) Hope you are not losing your mind on bedrest. It's all worth it in the end!!!
