04 December 2011

My only hope of ever living a life of fame and fortune...

People Magazine - Before They Were Stars
Photo credit: People.com
Let's rewind to 2009...

Everyone knows how much my Ethan loves to perform. I hope he makes it big one day so that I can be interviewed by People magazine or Katie Couric for one of those "Before they were Stars" pieces. They always interview the mom. :)

I have no doubt that they would play the video from this post.

Ethan is 2.5 here. And although the post is called "Move over Justin Timberlake", it could also be another Justin...Bieber. Except my sweet Ethan would  never be embroiled in a messy paternity suit.

A mom can dream, right?

(Click the link above to read the post and see the video from December 2009)

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