06 December 2011

My face...on toy shelves everywhere!

Okay so maybe this particular item can't be found now, but at one point waaaayyy back in the 80s, my sweet little face could be found on the shelves of national toy stores everywhere. That's right!

As I mentioned in this post a while ago, I was on the box for Kenner's Special Blessings doll, Christina Blessing. When I went back to my childhood home for Thanksgiving, my mom had cleaned out the closets and made a pile of "stuff" she wanted gone. She took advantage of the fact that we had our vehicle and couldn't use the 'I don't have room in my checked baggage' excuse for once.

There it stood covered in dust. I took some pictures just in case you didn't believe me the first time.

I showed the boys and asked them if they knew who the little girl was on the box. When I told them it was me, they pretty much thought I was the coolest mom ever. I mean what kid wouldn't want their mom to be on the side of a toy?

Okay, I am lying. They could have cared less. Darn...I really thought this would make me cool in their eyes.

So what happened to my acting/modeling career you ask? Hmmm, well, I did go to LA after I graduated from college for a 6 week acting course. When the class was complete I had a choice to make. Do I stay in Hollywood and pursue one of my life-long dreams? Or do I run back to the Midwest and into the arms of the guy waiting for me there?

Six and half years of marriage and two kids later...I guess you know what I chose. Now my life in the limelight is a distant memory.

And that is just fine by me.


  1. I remember this!!! And the commercial with you in the swing. Ah, it made you cool in my eyes! Plus your awesome, sweet personality too!!

  2. WOW I ran across your blog doing a search for the Christina Blessings Doll...This was a doll I begged my parents for when I was a little girl. I am almost 30 now and still seeing this doll brings back such nice memories for me. It was one of my favorites. :)

    Carrie S.

  3. :) Thanks Maria!

    Carrie - how funny! You may be the only person I've ever heard actually remember this doll! I'm glad it was one of your favorites...too bad it was pulled from the shelves because it was considered "controversial". I mean, a doll that prayed *gasp*. Nowadays we can have Barbie's wearing little more than underwear and dolls called Bratz with attitudes, but a toy with a religious twist...absurd! Seems a little backwards if you ask me.

  4. Haha...I just found this on google...I was the little girl in the commercial...ultimately chose a similar path as you :)

  5. Just stumbled across this blog! i had the Christina Doll! oh how i wish i still had her somewhere.
