14 October 2010

An update at last!

So we are here in Round Rock, TX and loving every minute of it. The weather has been amazing - not a single drop of rain in almost 2 weeks, blue skies, sunshiney and 80s - although I've been told that we have been lucky as it is usually about 10 degrees warmer than this current cool streak.

The house is slowly but surely coming together. I think about 75% of the boxes are unpacked. Things are finding their new spots (and being moved, and moved again until I like where they are). When it is in a state that isn't totally embarassing, I promise to take some pictures for everyone to see. Although if I haven't gotten around to it by October 29th - then you may want to tune into HGTV's House Hunters...our neighbors a few houses down from us were featured on the show and they ended up choosing the house they live in now which is a mirror image of our home. Not sure how different the inside is, but you'll be able to get the idea.

Speaking of neighbors, it has been an amazing experience (as I hoped it would be) living in a neighborhood like this. Within the first few days of moving in, 2 different families knocked on our door with cookies, muffins, brownies and cards welcoming us to the street. I've been invited to a jewelry party get together, got an email from a neighbor asking if we can get our kids together outside, had another neighbor ask me to come along with them to a local pumpkin patch for a playdate (the HGTV mom) AND one of them is hosting a "Get to Know your Neighbors" party this Saturday. I'm really thankful to feel so included in what is obviously a very friendly and active neighborhood.

Ricky is liking his new role with Samtec. He has some time in our home office and then is meeting with customers throughout the week. It's neat to have him home during the day sometimes - although I think there will be an adjustment period for all of us...teaching the kids not to bother daddy in the office when he is here, and helping Ricky get used to the everyday noise and chatter of working at home.

I'm happy to say that I have not felt homesick...yet! Technology really helps in that area as we've been able to video chat with our families using Skype. The kids just get the biggest kick out of seeing people on the computer. And with all of the fun things to do within the community, I think we will really enjoy our time here. That's not to say that I don't miss certain things about living closer to my family, but we've both looked at this move as a new start for us and I think that outlook has made it a little easier. Besides, I may be spoiled but I've got a lineup of visitors from now until January! My parents are coming down for a week at Thanksgiving, my sister is visiting the following week, my cousin Angie and her husband Tim will be here in January and my best friend Audrey is coming in January as well! We are always open to having visitors and would love to show everyone our new digs, so if you are ever in the area or up for a little getaway, give us a call! :)

I'm hoping to start blogging more regularly now that we have some level of organization around here. I am awaiting photos that were taken at last month's super successful Little Fire Big Heart event and will definitely share those once I get them (and also include a round up of the night's events).

Later ya'll ;)

1 comment :

  1. So glad to hear you are doing well! Can't wait to see the pics from LFBH. What a great success!
