08 November 2009


When I started this blog, it was a way to keep my family and friends informed about our family. Mostly because I live away from all of them and then even moreso because of all of Aiden's medical issues.

I've always loved to write. It doesn't come easy all of the time, just when it matters. It is something that I started doing as a child and have continued to do through the years. When I was ten, I had aspirations of putting together a neighborhood newspaper - actually going so far as to recruit some of my friends in our cul-de-sac to form a committee and develop a gameplan. We would write about the goings-on on our street. We would sponsor and plan a neighborhood carnival. I was going to be the editor-in-chief.

As I got older, my writing evolved into something else. It became a bigger part of me. I allowed myself to put pen to paper and capture my feelings. I kept journals, but usually ended up discarding one for another that had a prettier cover. Then, being the organizational nut that I am, I'd re-write (yes - re-write) each previous entry into the new one.

I began reading some of my entries to close friends. I enjoyed sharing what I had written, even if I did feel a little vulnerable. I didn't realize it at the time, but it was therapeutic for me. I could write it, share it and not feel judged.

Somewhere around the time I had kids - I learned about the "blogosphere". There is something very exhilarating about writing a blog. You can easily type a post, edit it before publishing, and delete it later if you realize you didn't want to share it after all.

This blog started as a way to keep my friends and family informed about ours. And it has become so much more.

It's my history. It's my future. It's my therapy.

When I wrote "when your world falls apart", I sat at my laptop at midnight typing continuously, not even thinking about who might read what is obviously a very personal situation. I had to get it out there. It felt good to share that part of my story.

To say that I've been completely blown away by the responses I've received as a result would be an understatement. I had no idea that what I was feeling would resonate with so many people. People who had gone through something similar - having a child with a disability, a difference, a medical condition. Others who have been following our story from the day Aiden was born - who have no tie to us personally, but just want to be able to offer their support and prayers along the way. Some who care so deeply about us, me, my boys, my family, that they have previously not known what to say or how to help for fear of saying something "wrong" or inappropriate. And even more who although they may not ever know what our journey is, can relate in some other way - and reading that post encouraged them to open up to me by sharing their own thoughts, fears, emotions.

I appreciate whole-heartedly the concern that came my way after posting that entry. The phone calls, emails, messages, etc. mean the world to me. People finally understood that I was ready to talk about it openly and candidly. They felt comfortable doing so too. I hope to continue to be open about our journey. To let people know that although it may appear to be easy for us and it may appear that we are strong on the outside, no amount of strength can ever ease the pain of knowing your child will face so many surgeries, appointments, and uncertainties throughout his life.

So thank you to all who take the time to read about our family. Thank you for the prayers. Thank you for being there to listen (or in this case, read). It means a lot to me that so many people continue to care.

1 comment :

  1. I love your writing. I love your honesty. Thanks for sharing with us!
