11 August 2009

Quick hearing update on Aiden

Aiden had his follow-up Behavioral Auditory Evaluation (he gets them every 6 months) to check for any hearing issues. Generally kids with Apert Syndrome get recurrent ear infections and fluid build up that may impact their ability to hear normally. Aiden has had his share of infections, but he did have ear tubes placed during his head surgery in May to help alleviate the problem. And luckily, the evaluation yesterday at Kosair showed absolutely no hearing loss!!!!

The tube in his right ear has already come out (usually doesn't happen for about a year), however it doesn't seem to be causing a problem. Aiden passed both the behavioral portion of the exam as well as the tympanogram (sp?) with flying colors. What a huge relief! They will continue to retest every 6 months to monitor things as he grows.

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