22 February 2009

Home Sweet Home

We arrived home Friday from Dallas - and Ricky and I both agree that this trip was one of the smoothest we've ever had. From the travel and hotel stay to the surgery and hospital care, everything went according to plan! We couldn't be more happy with everything from start to finish.

It is nice to be home and to try to get the boys back into a "normal" routine. Although Aiden does seem quite a bit more frustrated with having casts on than he was just 3 months ago. I think it's probably because he's progressed quite a bit developmentally in between the surgeries and now he isn't able to do those things at the moment (roll over with ease, hold his own sippy cup, stand, and walk with help). But the thing that makes it all easier is that he's back to his old full-of-personality self. It made us so sad to see him so sleepy and grumpy in the hospital. He completely lit up and has been all smiles since the moment he saw his big brother the morning after we got home. What an amazing bond they have even at this young age. It's a beautiful thing to see.

We wanted to spend some quality time with Ethan since we had been away from him during the Dallas trip, so my dad and my sister and her family met us in Louisville for dinner. Afterwards, we headed to our alma mater, Bellarmine University, for the alumni family night at the basketball games. My dad took Aiden back to the house for the night since we didn't want to have him out and about the day after coming home. He was already so exhausted. Ethan (almost 2) and my sister's two girls Lilly (3) and Avery (1) had SUCH a blast jumping in the inflatables, sliding down the huge slides and riding around on a toilet scooter (don't ask - I have no idea...)! After a few hours we walked over to the game. We made it about half way through the first half of the game before an executive decision was made to take the thoroughly pooped kiddos home. [PS - thank you Mary for leaving the tickets for us!]

We still haven't received the photos from Dr. Fearon. I will be sure to post them once (and if) I do! Otherwise, everyone will have to wait two weeks to see his feet and three to see his hands. That's the plan as far as removal of the casts go. We hope we don't have to remove any of them early like we did last time!

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